facade architectural
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Dome and capital structure in the facade of the Royal Palace, Ma Exterior architecture of the former International Hotel, Madrid, Colonial facade of the Catholic Church El Carmen, Camaguey, Cuba Art Noveau facade in the House of Juan Haro y Conradi (1905), Se Curved facade of building in Plaza del Cabildo, Seville, Spain Mudejar style facade in Casa del Barril (1910) designed by Aniba Facade of the landmark building La Adriatica, Seville, Spain Facade of an old building Avenida de la Constitucion 4, Seville, Red brick architecture of the Telefonica building, Seville, Spai Facade of the Telefonica building with a lens flare, Seville, Sp Tower architecture in the Telefonica building, Seville, Spain Old door and arch in the facade of a building, Seville, Spain


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