Richard Nixon attends a press reception during his trip to LondonDigital enhancement of a public domain image
Richard Nixon with junior Press Office staff member Diane SawyerDigital enhancement of a public domain image
Porto, Portugal - July 17, 2024 Urban art titled Invisible Woman on a cobblestone street, with a container for donations in front of the piece.
Porto, Portugal - July 17, 2024 Urban art by Bordalo II, located in the Nova Gaia district, decorating the corner of an old building exterior.
Porto, Portugal - July 17, 2024 Urban art by Bordalo II, located in the Nova Gaia district, decorating the corner of an old building exterior.
Havana, Cuba, A press kiosk belonging to Correos de Cuba. A garbage dump in the background by a dirty wall with graffiti
A new impact event leaves a crater on the surface of the terrain. Digital enhancement of an image by NASA
A crater in Scalloped Terrain. This land detail was formed by sublimation not by impact. Digital enhancement of an image by NASA
Cliffs of ice in the mid-latitudes. Color contrast of turquoise and orange. Digital enhancement of an image by NASA
Giant ripples on the soil of the exoplanet. Digital enhancement of an image by NASA