Ancient stone coat of arms and sculptures on a building known as The General Junta of the Principality of AsturiasOviedo, Asturias, Spain
Exterior architecture on the facade of a building known as The General Junta of the Principality of AsturiasOviedo, Asturias, Spain
Toronto, Canada - October 12, 2024 Stone sculpture of a turtle in the Spirit Garden at Nathan Phillips Square.
Toronto, Canada - October 14, 2024 Entrance to the City Hall government building, with the sculpture Big Bronze Whatchamacallit by Henry Moore on the left.
Toronto, Canada - October 14, 2024 Metal sculpture of a First Nations canoe in the Spirit Garden at Nathan Phillips Square.
Three flags in the facade of a government building in Alicante, Spain
Alicante, Spain - Sept 10, 2023 facade of a colonial architecture government building.
Alicante, Spain - Sept 10, 2023 Facade of government building in Plaza de la Muntanyeta
Arriondas, Spain - Feb 13, 2023 Flags and clot tower in the facade of the government building or city hall.