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Design of garbage cans in the square by the Royal Palace,  Madri
Design of garbage cans in the square by the Royal Palace, Madri

Design of garbage cans in the square by the Royal Palace, Madrid, Spain

Havana, Cuba,  A Cuban man sits on the doorstep of a house
Havana, Cuba, A Cuban man sits on the doorstep of a house

Havana, Cuba, A Cuban man sits on the doorstep of a house. In the background, full garbage bins or containers. The unhygienic scene shows refuse lying in the street.

Garbage Dump Havana
Garbage Dump Havana

Havana, Cuba, 2023: Urban garbage dump by a large bin in a city street.

Recycling Cardboard In Cuba
Recycling Cardboard In Cuba

Havana, Cuba - May 27, 2023 A man looks at a rustic cart in a city avenue. The homemade cart is used to collect cardboards that are sold to government institutions to be recycled.


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