vice president
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Vice President Richard Nixon shakes hands with locals in Afganis
Vice President Richard Nixon shakes hands with locals in Afganis

Vice President Richard Nixon shakes hands with locals in AfganistanDigital enhancement of a public domain image

Portrait Vice President Richard Nixon
Portrait Vice President Richard Nixon

Portrait Vice President Richard NixonDigital enhancement of a public domain image

Vice President Richard Nixon reviews an honor guard upon arrival
Vice President Richard Nixon reviews an honor guard upon arrival

Vice President Richard Nixon reviews an honor guard upon arrival in Kabul.Digital enhancement of a public domain image

Meeting in the Oval Office concerning congressman Fords Nominati
Meeting in the Oval Office concerning congressman Fords Nominati

Meeting in the Oval Office concerning congressman Fords Nomination as Vice President.Digital enhancement of a public domain image

Former U.S. Vice President Richard Nixon (left) with Prime Minis
Former U.S. Vice President Richard Nixon (left) with Prime Minis

Former U.S. Vice President Richard Nixon left with Prime Minister Levy Eshkol at the Prime Ministers Office, Jerusalem.Digital enhancement of a public domain image

Visit of Richard Nixon, Vice President of the United States, to
Visit of Richard Nixon, Vice President of the United States, to

Visit of Richard Nixon, Vice President of the United States, to Venezuela. To his left, an unidentified person and Wolfgang Larrazabal, President of the Government Junta. Caracas, May 1958.Digital enhancement of a public domain image


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