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Clock and bell tower in the Catholic Church of La Misericordia,
Clock and bell tower in the Catholic Church of La Misericordia,

Clock and bell tower in the Catholic Church of La Misericordia, Camaguey, Cuba

Clock and bell tower in the Catholic Church of La Misericordia,
Clock and bell tower in the Catholic Church of La Misericordia,

Clock and bell tower in the Catholic Church of La Misericordia, Camaguey, Cuba

Clock and bell tower in the Catholic Church of La Misericordia,
Clock and bell tower in the Catholic Church of La Misericordia,

Clock and bell tower in the Catholic Church of La Misericordia, Camaguey, Cuba

Clock and bell tower in the Catholic Church of La Misericordia,
Clock and bell tower in the Catholic Church of La Misericordia,

Clock and bell tower in the Catholic Church of La Misericordia, Camaguey, Cuba

Church of Mercy
Church of Mercy

Porto, Portugal, Historic information plaque in Igreja da Misericordia or Church of Mercy. The heritage building is a tourist attraction in the city.

Church of Mercy
Church of Mercy

Porto, Portugal, Historic information plaque in Igreja da Misericordia or Church of Mercy. The heritage building is a tourist attraction in the city.


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